Sometimes the stress of living takes over.

It controls each breath you take

And each move you make.

People get busy.

Places get crowded.

Things matter more than they should.

But what if we could fly?

What if we could soar?

What if we could run and sing and scream and spin

And just avoid the whole world?

What if we were free?

What if the sun shone down?

What if we took the time to stop?

Just look around.

Gather up your friends

And live each moment like you'll have no more.

Every second is worth fighting for.

Just get in your car and drive.

Release your pain onto the winding roads

And turn up the music.

Pause to smell the flowers and soak up the light.

Lay in the uncut grass

And dream.

Imagine your futures,

Away from the deadlines and due dates and don't do's.

Be who you want to be.

What if we could fly?

What if we could soar?

What if we could run and sing and scream and spin

And just avoid the whole world?

What if we were free?

What if the sun shone down?

What if we took the time to stop?

Just look around.

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